Join the GSA PolicyComNet Effort
GSA is a trusted source of information promoting the geosciences in the service of society and wise stewardship of the earth. Helping to fulfill that mission, GSA develops consensus-based Position Statements on a variety of geoscience topics of importance to public policy. As a member of GSA you have a crucial and indispensable role in promoting the geosciences and participating in the GSA public policy communication process.
This site is built with that in mind.
Learn more about the purpose and structure of the site.
Come by the GSA Geology and Society Division Booth when you attend your 2009 Section Meeting. We’d like discuss your ideas and questions about GSA public policy communication.
To further encourage GSA members' policy communications, the GPPC and the Geology & Society Division are planning a Topical Session on successful member policy communications during the 2009 GSA Annual Meeting in Portland, Oregon, 18-21 October. Watch for additional information.
How to Join
- If you were invited:
- Click on the link in the email invitation:
- Create a Wikidot account.
- Your Policycomnet membership will be automatic and you can participate immediately.
- If you did not receive an invitation, but wish to participate:
- Go to the Join page.
- Create a Wikidot account.
- You will be placed in an application queue. We will do our best to review applications promptly. Once approved, you will be sent an email stating that you may begin participating.
Contact PolicyComNet
If you have questions about any policy communications you are contemplating or wish to put forward any successful role model story as a useful example of input, contact the Geology & Public Policy Committee (GPPC) Chair.
Your suggestions are welcome.
Please contact Policycomnet with your ideas on how to improve this site at gro.yteicosoeg|bew#gro.yteicosoeg|bew.